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warming up with wassail

January 4, 2018

I shared this recipe a few years ago, but with the rainy cooler weather here in Santa Barbara and my friends and family shivering on the East Coast, I thought it would be the perfect time to share again!…

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a bright white santa barbara christmas

December 8, 2016

When I think back to the Christmas of my youth, I marvel at how my parents pulled off a miracle every Christmas Eve.  When my sisters and I awoke at a ridiculously early hour on Christmas morning, we would run into my parents room and wake them up so that we could not only open presents, but see the tree for the first time.  My dad would go in first and set up the movie camera and the bright light…

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Entertaining Recipes

Here We Come a Wassailing…

December 17, 2015

What the heck is Wassail or Wassailing you might ask.  It’s a version of hot mulled cider.  The word “wassail” comes from an Anglo-Saxon phrase which means “good health”. Wassailing was traditionally done on New Year’s Eve and Twelfth Night, but some  people drank Wassail on all the twelve days of Christmas! I guess they wanted to be really healthy.  Here in my household we start right after Thanksgiving. It’s THAT good.…

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