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landscape design

Landscape Design Outdoors

stock tank gardens

September 14, 2019
The Little Glass House

What is a stock tank you may ask, and what does it have to do with gardening? It is a large galvanized container that is used to keep livestock hydrated. They also make wonderful gardens! When we bought the Little Glass House ten years ago, the previous owners left four large tanks. I knew that when we reimagined our backyard space, the tanks were going to be a feature. With drainage holes drilled into the bottom and drip irrigation lines,…

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Landscape Design Outdoors

Bye bye lawn, hello gravel!

July 12, 2015

As the drought wears on, lawns are going from green to brown and water bills are rising. I decided that we definitely didn’t need a lawn in our front and side yards. Being from the East Coast where lawns are a homeowners pride and glory, it took a bit of convincing for my husband to trade gravel for grass. Having the yard torn up for weeks wasn’t a picnic, but the end result was certainly worth it. Neither of us miss the lawn one bit. And…

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