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Garrapata State Park


the majesty of highway 1

March 3, 2019
Big Creek Bridge

After visiting Big Sur for 15 years, and now a happy home owner, I am still in awe of the incredible scenery to be found just off of Highway 1. It’s been a wet and wild winter with over 10″ of rain at a time. Don’t get me wrong, California still needs the rain and we are appreciative of every drop…just not all at once. When we do get a few dry days, I head up to our home in…

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Travel Uncategorized

big sur winter (part 2)

January 13, 2019
Big Sur , Garrapata State Park

There is so much beauty in Big Sur, it can hardly be contained in a single blog post! This is part 2 of a series of winter photos I took. Many of these were taken at Garrapata State Park. It is almost 3,000 acres and can be reached by numerous turnouts along Highway 1. The word ‘garrapata’ means tick in Spanish and the park is aptly named! Ticks are numerous in Big Sur and one should always check themselves carefully…

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