Decorating House Tour

Redondo Beach Digs

September 29, 2017

After living in a Santa Monica studio apartment for three years, my daughter Kelsey, was ready to make a change. A move to Redondo Beach and a slightly larger one bedroom was just the ticket!  You can not imagine how much stuff there was in her little studio!…

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Decorating House Tour

autumn vibes Cali style

September 21, 2017

Growing up, I wasn’t the biggest fan of fall. Oh, I loved the hot apple cider, wearing sweaters and boots, and of course the changing colors of the leaves…but sweaters turn into coats, leaves need to be raked and before you know it, winter is upon you!  At the first sight of mums in the grocery store I would be resigned to the fact that summer was truly over.  Maybe that’s why I never really caught on to fall decorating…

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Decorating Little White Beach Bungalow Travel

summer in coastal connecticut

September 14, 2017

Summers in New England can be brutally hot and humid, especially in August.  I was lucky to experience some beautiful balmy clear days, a little rain, and even a few fall like days.  As a child, August was never my favorite month, even with my birthday at the tail end.  It signaled the end of carefree summer days and colder weather just around the corner.  I can appreciate August and September now.  …

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Decorating House Tour Travel

august in vermont

September 8, 2017

Summer in Vermont is so green and lush that it’s easy to see why its nickname is the Green Mountain State. It was an education for me to see my parents field being mowed,  tedded (fluffing the hay), and then baled.  And of course there is antiquing and seeing what new projects my parents are working on at their farmhouse.  Sharing a few photos from a fun filled few days……

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Decorating instagram

3 Instagrammers I Love

August 31, 2017

Today I’m sharing 3 women whose style inspires and delights the senses.  That they are generous and kind with their time is just icing on the cake.  These ladies were some of my early contacts on Instagram, and their support and encouragement were everything to a newbie Instagrammer like myself who didn’t even know what a hashtag was!  All of these women have websites worth checking out that you can link to through their Instagram accounts.  I highly recommend that…

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they say it’s my birthday!

August 25, 2017

I’m taking the day off from my blog to celebrate my birthday 🎈!  Thank you to all who follow along with me here and on Instagram. What an adventure it’s been. I’ll be back next week with my 3 Instagrammers I Love series.  I’ve got some special ladies to share…stay tuned and have a fantastic day!…

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Decorating Little White Beach Bungalow

tried and true paint colors: white edition

August 17, 2017

By far the question I get asked the most on Instagram, on my blog, and by clients, is “what color white did you use on your walls and trim?!”  And not just my home, but my parents home as well.  I thought I’d take a moment and go through the white choices and the finishes for The Little Glass House, the Little White Beach Bungalow, and my parents Vermont farmhouse, which still remains nameless!…

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Around Santa Barbara

mystical magical san ysidro ranch

August 10, 2017

When my friend and makeup magician, Fredericke Grillitz (IQ Beauty…see blog),  suggested I meet her at San Ysidro Ranch to pick up my cosmetics, I didn’t have to be asked twice.  She visits the Ranch for tea and a bite whenever she’s in town meeting her Santa Barbara clients. I haven’t been to the Ranch in years so I jumped at the chance, as Fredericke promised to take me on a stroll through the gardens.…

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Entertaining Recipes

a taste of summer…sweet corn gazpacho

August 3, 2017
best summer gazpacho

Last week I had an outdoor summer gathering with friends.  Wanting to keep things simple and avoid cooking over a hot stove on a warm evening, I decided to make gazpacho.   This is not your typical gazpacho.  I found this Lulu Powers recipe in House Beautiful magazine.  I wouldn’t be sharing it if it wasn’t crazy good!…

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a tisket a tasket, a vintage african basket..

July 27, 2017

Sometimes, (ok truth be told, this happens to me a lot), an object speaks to you and it’s clear that it is coming home with you. This happened to me recently when a friend and I were on a little field trip to the malibu design center.  This place is a treasure trove of inspiration for people who love organic, natural, modern design! 😉  We spotted an assortment of various size vintage African baskets on a table.  It was love…

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