
looking at the bright side

December 30, 2017

Being an optimist doesn’t mean I always think things are rosy.  Two weeks of a giant wildfire terrorizing your community and neighboring towns clearly isn’t a good thing.  But acknowledging the fear (yes, there was a lot of fear and worry), and then trying not to dwell on something I couldn’t change was a daily struggle.  I tried to see the bigger picture.  I saw tremendous acts of caring and giving from people just wanting to help.  And don’t even…

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Around Santa Barbara

escaping thomas

December 13, 2017

Most of the time living in Southern California is paradise…beautiful weather, friendly people, the mountains, and the beauty of the Pacific Ocean.  That is why we live here.  Unfortunately, even paradise has it’s dark side and for us it’s the wildfires.…

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Around Santa Barbara Shopping

favorite shop: scout

November 30, 2017

You all know by now how I love to shop local.  This past weekend while my daughter was visiting, she was going on about this new shop she had passed downtown but wasn’t open when she had walked by.  Luckily, quite accidentally, we stumbled upon SCOUT while doing some Christmas shopping the next day.…

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happy thanksgiving

November 23, 2017

Having celebrated Thanksgiving this past weekend while my family was all together, I’m spending a quiet day at the Little Glass House. Later this afternoon I will be feasting with friends.  Wishing you all a bright, cozy, safe and delicious holiday!!…

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Decorating Shopping

shop crush: the dharma door

November 17, 2017

Instagram can be an amazing introduction to small businesses and trade from all over.  When I first saw an incredible wall hanging on The Beach Lodge’s Instagram feed, my jaw dropped.  Of course I had to follow up! I found out it was from The Dharma Door , founded in 2004 by Australian Shannon Sheedy, with the “dream of creating products that combine good design with ethical production. Shannon and her husband are one of the leading sources for contemporary fair…

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Decorating How To

my favorite nook

November 10, 2017

By far one of my most popular posts and highly pinned images, is my parents breakfast nook in their Vermont farmhouse.  I am often asked questions about it, so I’ve updated my blog post from a year ago with more facts, sources, and dimensions for those of you who are interested in maybe adding a nook to your own home! Here it is……

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out with the rosemary!

November 3, 2017

When we moved to The Little Glass House seven years ago, we redid the landscaping. You can see some of the changes here.  Things grow incredibly fast and big here in Southern California, and before I knew it, that cute tiny rosemary hedge became a four foot monster!  Here’s what the back yard looked like when we bought our house as seen from inside……

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Around Santa Barbara

hike for aha!

October 22, 2017

On Saturday, November 12, my daughter Kelsey and I will be hiking the 6.5 mile Romero Canyon trail to raise money for AHA!, a Santa Barbara organization dedicated to the development of character, imagination, emotional intelligence and social conscience in teenagers.  It is an innovative curriculum taught in schools at the junior high and high school level through after school and summer programs.  AHA! is teaching teens to listen deeply, speak authentically, cope with peer pressure, manage adversity, and peacefully…

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leaf season in Vermont

October 17, 2017

There is a reason people flock to Vermont in late September and early October.  Mother Nature puts on a show of color against a background of vintage homes and buildings that is spectacular.  I took in the beauty from my parents farmhouse and our day trips to Chester, Weston, Queechee, and Woodstock.  Here are a few postcard pretty pictures from Vermont……

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3 Instagrammers I Love

October 6, 2017

When tragic things happen in our world, our homes become our safe havens.  I feel a sense of calm the minute I step through my front door.  These three women blow me away with their ability to create beautiful unique abodes…even in a Winnebago!  Their personalities shine through in their spaces.  I feel happy just looking at their lovely posts!…

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