Around Santa Barbara

West Coast Winter

February 18, 2016

This is my seventh winter in Santa Barbara.  My friends back in Connecticut often ask me what it’s like and if I miss the seasons. The answer: I LOVE winter here and no, I don’t miss the seasons. You may be surprised, but we actually do have seasonal changes!…

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touches of tillandsias

February 12, 2016

Every home can benefit from having living plants. They add color and life to a room in a way that nothing else can. However, not everyone has a green thumb or the patience to care for plants.  That’s where tillandsias can be a good solution. What on earth is a tillandsia? It’s common name is “air plant” because it grows without soil. Water and nutrients are absorbed through the leaves so they require little care. While I have my share…

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Around Santa Barbara

films, friends, and fun

February 4, 2016

It’s that time of year again- the time where movie lovers flock to our town for the Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF). It began as a small event back in 1986 but has since grown into a juggernaut, attracting celebrities and folks from all over the country. It screens over 200 films from all over the world. There are films about everything from surfing (something near and dear to Santa Barbarians) to wine making. After the 11 day event, I feel…

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Recipes Uncategorized

Maine Granola

January 28, 2016

Let me start off by saying that I’ve never been a fan of granola. It was always too crunchy or dry and I just didn’t see the point of it.  That changed when I was visiting my parents in Vermont and walked into a kitchen that smelled like cinnamon and maple syrup. It was the most delicious scent!  My mom was making granola. And yes, it tasted just as heavenly as it smelled. While it is called Maine Granola, in our…

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Decorating Landscape Design

Ivy Cottage

January 14, 2016

As I was doing some New Years purging of my desk, I came across the real estate brochure from our previous home in Westport, Connecticut.  I hadn’t looked at it in some time and so with fresh eyes I studied the pictures of the home that we had lived in for twenty years. I only wish I had some of the before photos- they are probably buried somewhere in the garage in our old photo albums.…

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Anatomy of a Bedroom

January 8, 2016

The bedroom is a place you spend at least one third of your life, so it makes sense that it should be a comfortable, serene space. There are 3 things that are a must for me:  a great mattress, an absence of clutter, and it must be aesthetically pleasing.…

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Books Decorating

My Books Runneth Over

January 1, 2016

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love a good decorating book (magazines too, but that’s for another blog post). Books make great gifts for anyone who loves interiors and home design. The problem is, everyone is afraid to buy them for me because they think I may already have it. Chances are they’re right. While I’m buying the newest design books as a gift for family and friends, I may or may not buy them as a gift for myself too……

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The Little Glass House Uncategorized

Christmas at The Little Glass House

December 25, 2015

I still love Christmas as much as I did as a child. I love the way it smells of cookies and pine needles. I love the taste of eggnog and wassail (and of course the cookies too). I love the sparkle and magic of the decorations. I love the carols and music, which I start playing the day after Thanksgiving. I love our Christmas traditions and starting new ones here in California. But most of all, I love spending time…

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