
blueberry cougan

May 5, 2016

As a kid, I didn’t like blueberries.  Come to think of it, I didn’t like much of anything when it came to food!  But every summer my mom would pick fresh blueberries from our bushes and make something called a blueberry cougan.  I have no idea where that name came from, but it’s what we always called it.  Just the smell emanating from the kitchen while it was baking was enough to let me know that this would be something…

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flowers and plants, and trees, oh my!

April 28, 2016

I’m not a floral designer and I wouldn’t exactly say I have a green thumb, but I love the beauty that plants and flowers bring to a space whether it’s the kitchen, living room, or even the bathroom.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a house full of blooms.  I gather mine from my local grocery store, the Farmer’s Market, Home Depot, my backyard, and in one instance, the Internet.…

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I left my heart in Big Sur

April 21, 2016
Big Sur love

Big Sur has been the subject of many books and movies, as well as countless poems expounding on its beauty. To me it’s a place like no other. It’s a deeply personal and spiritual experience. It is nature at its most glorious and no matter how many times I go back, it takes my breath away as if seeing it for the first time. Big Sur is impossible to describe. The most incredible photograph can’t capture how small I feel…

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pasta risotto

April 14, 2016

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that I made a dish called “Pasta Risotto” on an unusually cool and wet weekend here in Santa Barbara.  It was the perfect kind of weather to be in the kitchen cooking. Like so many of the recipes I make, this was one given to me by my mom.  She had cut it out of something and copied it, so I don’t know the source.  If anyone does, please chime in!  All I know for sure is…

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Decorating Uncategorized

the art of storytelling through vignettes

April 7, 2016
mantel styling

I love a good vignette. Simply put by Australian NZ House & Garden writer Janet Dunn, “In the world of interior design, a vignette is a small, pleasing picture formed by grouping several objects…an arrangement that tells a story about you and your home.”  A good vignette leaves you wanting to see more.  It can be made up of collections, vacation finds, flea market treasures or family heirlooms curated over time.  A vignette can be outdoors, on shelves, mantels, or tabletops.  As a dear friend…

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Decorating House Tour

Florida House Tour: “Barefoot Cottage”

March 31, 2016

My mom and I both share a passion for decorating. Over the years and through many different homes, we have collaborated our ideas. When we visit each other we invariably take on some decorating projects in our respective homes. Last year, we revamped the cottage’s living room and rehung the gallery wall. This year we edited the master bedroom and added some touches of blue and so on.…

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Perfectly Simple Table Settings

March 10, 2016

I’ve always enjoyed entertaining.  I love sharing our house and a home cooked meal with our friends and family when they come to visit.  I especially love throwing a dinner party here at The Little Glass House.  It is a great place to gather with the dining table being the star of our home.  It sits right in the middle of our open concept space.  So naturally, I like it to  look appealing when our guests arrive. What I don’t like is to overthink it.  Entertaining should be fun….not…

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Easy entertaining with Lemon-Ricotta Lasagne

March 3, 2016
table setting with succulents and ivy

Entertaining should be an enjoyable experience.  I don’t want to be in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove while my guests are enjoying conversation and cocktails. I want to be a part of the party too. This is my favorite go-to recipe for a casual dinner with friends or family.  It can be made ahead, it tastes amazing (even kids love it!) and best of all, it’s not difficult to make. You can enjoy spending time with your guests and then…

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