
IQ Beauty Of Course: makeup made simple

March 2, 2017
IQ Beauty of Course

While you know me as a home decor blogger here and on Instagram, occasionally a shop or product is just too good to keep to myself.  At this stage in my life, it’s all about simplifying.  I’ve begun to edit my home to reflect a simpler lifestyle and I thought it was time to do the same with my makeup.  I’m sure I’m not the only one who has drawers and cabinets full of makeup they don’t use. Five years…

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3 instagrammers i love

February 23, 2017

  Instagram is a wealth of design inspiration and there are oodles of talented people to follow.  On the last Thursday of each month, I will be sharing some of my favorite design accounts.…

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Shopping The Little Glass House

And the new mattress winner is…

February 16, 2017
Loom and Leaf mattress

  …Loom and Leaf by Saatva.  Those of you who follow my blog or Instagram account, know that during a recent renovation, our garage flooded. That wouldn’t have been too bad if our entire bedroom wasn’t being stored in it.  The mattress took the brunt of the deluge, turning it into a giant, smelly, five hundred pound sponge.…

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Decorating The Little Glass House

my bathroom renovation adventure

February 2, 2017

After putting in new hardwood floors 2 years ago, I definitely wasn’t anxious for another renovation, but I finally bit the bullet and started planning my  new bathroom.  After I sorted out what I wanted to do, I reached out to my friend John Henderson of Apex Building & Restoration. He and his family recently moved to the Santa Barbara area and besides radon mitigation, he also does construction, plumbing, and electric.  He’s a very handy guy to know! The bathroom…

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3 instagrammers I love

January 26, 2017

  Instagram has become my favorite social media tool by far.  I have “met” some of the most creative and genuinely kind people through this medium.  I thought it would be fun on the last Thursday of the month, to share 3 accounts that not only inspire, but embody the creative beauty of their owners.…

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my dream living room

January 19, 2017

I was recently asked by someone, “if I could design my dream living room, what would it look like?”  Hmmm.  I must admit I’m pretty dang happy with the living room I have now, but hey, let’s just dream…and remember in a dream there is no budget!…

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Decorating The Little Glass House

what’s in and what’s out in 2017 (and should we care?)

January 12, 2017

After a 2 week holiday hiatus from my blog, I’m ready to jump back in.  Happy New Year to you all!  With the New Year comes the inevitable lists of trends for what we should be buying and what we should be ditching.  First off, let me start by saying that I only buy things I love…if they happen to be a trend, great, if not, that’s ok too. Secondly, who exactly decides what’s in and what’s out?  I recently…

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merry merry to all

December 22, 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, I would have to say it has had its ups and downs but all in all its been a good year and I am grateful for that. I am looking forward to Christmas with my husband and daughter.  Then I’m flying back to CT for a few days and then on to Florida to visit with my parents and sisters. I am blessed to have both of my parents healthy and energetic and I…

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a bright white santa barbara christmas

December 8, 2016

When I think back to the Christmas of my youth, I marvel at how my parents pulled off a miracle every Christmas Eve.  When my sisters and I awoke at a ridiculously early hour on Christmas morning, we would run into my parents room and wake them up so that we could not only open presents, but see the tree for the first time.  My dad would go in first and set up the movie camera and the bright light…

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just breathe

December 2, 2016
Just Breathe

This is one of my favorite times of the year.  However, that is not the case for everyone.  The holiday season can be fraught with expectations unfulfilled, family drama, and often a bit of mayhem.  The new year can be a time of great anticipation for new experiences or it can be a time of uncomfortable uncertainty. This year, I felt the need among the hustle and bustle to just stop and take a deep breath.  I can think of…

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